First off, my family and I were so excited to be able to watch the 2010 Winter Olympics together, and super-duper excited that they were being hosted by our own home country! We were so proud of our Canadian athletes and their efforts.... win or lose, it didn't matter... we loved every. single. minute. But, also have to say, Sidney Crosby's winning goal in over time to take the gold from the U.S. team was over-the-top!

I started my little 3 monkeys inc Etsy shop, which I have great hopes for in 2011.... I sold several hats before Christmas just by word of mouth, and found they are being very well received....

3 monkeys inc is also now on facebook.... social networking seems to be a great way to drum up business.... and now forces me to be even more of a multi-tasker....
Babies have grown inches and inches over the past year, and I'm sure by the end of next year, I'll be dwarfed by at least one of them... and he'll only be verging 9 years old... and I am left with the same question; why do they grow up so fast? Of everything in my life... this is the one of the things I think I can handle the least...
I committed in September 2010, to walk a 2-day, 60km journey in September 2011 to benefit women's cancer research.... This is a very personal thing for me, as my friend Becky has been battling breast cancer for what seems like eternity.... What do you do for a friend who is going down such a tough road? You stand by her, you hold her hand, you wipe her tears (and your own), you just be a friend.... and still, as friends we are left with a feeling that we need to do something.... I know what I'm feeling is nothing compared to what she is feeling; but, by doing this walk with my 3 lovely teammates, I feel like I'm helping in some small way.... We can beat this.... I know we can....

My family has suffered the loss of some family members, seen some born, enjoyed hearing news of weddings to come, graduations, new jobs, the list goes on and on... not unlike any of your families, I'm sure....
More than ever, my year was filled my little family; Craig, Liam, Marek and Camryn, without you, I would be nothing.... and my best girls; Tasha, Sherry, Becky, Kim, Lindsay, Crystal, Jamie, Nicole, Jane, Jayne, Rebecca, Stephanie... and all of the new friends I have met along the way; you ladies along with my little family, have stretched my heart to the limit, and when I feel I couldn't be loved anymore, you all stretch it just a little more.... Family and friends... that's how my 2010 can be summed up... could anything be better than that?
Best wishes to you all, for a Healthy, Happy and Love-filled 2011 ;)
Don't forget: The GIVEAWAY ends tonight at midnight!
photos courtesy of Getty Images, Stephanie Eidt Photography, and Me!