Sunday, November 6, 2011

Teeny-tiny little giveaway.... CLOSED

What?!  It's really been two years?

Yes, It's been two years today, that I started this little blog space.... It's hard to believe, really.

You know, I started this blog because I was nursing a baby.  That's what I'm like.... you know 'idol hands....'  Well, I thought it would be a great idea to do something with myself instead of just sitting feeding a baby, I might as well feed a baby and be busy with my hands....

I'm glad I did it, I'm glad I had the nerve to think that people might be interested in something I had to say.... and even if nobody ever read, I would still do it.  It's like therapy for the soul.  I don't write in a journal, I'm really bad at it.  But, I love the sound my fingers make rapping on the keys of a keyboard.  I love that I don't need to use an eraser for any mistakes.  I love spell-check.  And I love the few little comments I receive every once in a while.

I'm grateful to have anything at all to write about, it means I have some sort of meaning in my life.  I'm grateful to my friends for following me and this space.  I'm grateful that I am able to find things to write about - because, I love writing, I love words, I love pouring out my crafty soul....

Thanks everyone, for joining me here in my little place.  I'm grateful for you.

And, as a token of my gratitude, and if you are a follower, old or new - if you've been reading, but aren't a follower, you'll qualify for the giveaway if you become a follower of 3 monkeys inc..... Please leave a comment about your favourite fall memory or activity and you will be entered into the giveaway for a little gift.... I'm in the process of making a pretty, upcycled, jersey bracelet (or necklace, I haven't decided what it will be just yet)....  But, it's yours for the taking.  I'll try to finish it off today and post a picture tomorrow with my THRIFTY MONDAY post.  The giveaway will close on Saturday the 12th at midnight.... I hope you'll join in the fun!

Have a great day everyone....  ;)


  1. Hmmm... favourite fall memory... that's a toughie - fall is my fav-our-ite time of year and so I'm probably a teensy weensy biased on this time of year and look it through it with my rose coloured glasses. Okay *rubbing hands together*, here goes:

    October 20, 1985 - my 10th birthday. My mom took me - just me! (hello, I come from a family of NINE) - out for a picnic birthday lunch in the woods. Fall colours were our canopy, a smooth and weathered log our dining table, the rustling breezes and birdsong our music. It made me feel special and loved and TEN! Don't get me wrong, my mom and dad worked really hard to make sure each of us had that feeling, but this, for whatever reason, is my *pow* favourite memory of fall.

    Happy Blogiversary, 3monkeys! xo

  2. Aww... I love your Mom (and Dad)! You are truly a lucky girl to have been raised by two wonderful people.... So happy to have "friended" you ;)
