I had the good fortune of being approached at the Mom to Mom sale on Saturday by a mom looking for a cute little winter set for her new baby girl... and being the nice lady I am, I gladly accepted the commission... originally it was just for the hat, but after a few e-mails, the nice mom also asked if I would be so kind as to whip up a scarf to match.... of course, I would LOVE to! I feel very honoured and humbled that someone thinks that my handiwork is nice enough to adorn their precious little babe :D
And as for me, sea-sick.... that's how I describe the upset tummy feeling that I'm experiencing right now.... don't jump to any conclusions, the baby ship has sailed for me and my honey... this is totally self-inflicted... one word... marshmallow fluff... okay, I know that's two words but you get the point. Bleck! My beautiful skinny-mini boy LOVES marshmallows, and being the ever-doting mommy that I am, I told him I would try to make him some homemade marshmallows.... what was I thinking?! Seriously, do I need all of that extra work? Yes. Yes, I do. I have this need to make all of my children's' dreams a reality. And if one of those dreams is to have mommy-made marshmallows, then wish granted. And seriously, they were as easy as pie, okay, maybe not pie, because lets face it, makin' pie is not easy either... aaaanyway... that marshmallow fluff was so ooey-gooey-good, yum-yum :P that I don't even mind the sea-sick feeling... I hope they turn out... will let you know tomorrow, apparently they take 12 hours to set... fingers crossed...
Have a great evening ;)