My hunny-guy assured me that the skies would clear up and the party would go off without a hitch... needless to say, he would be the one responsible if the weather didn't cooperate, I trusted that his words were true... he argued that if the skies did open up it wasn't his fault... but... he had assured me; therefore I trusted him to be correct... lucky for him, wink-wink, Mother Nature was kind to us and the weather was perfect...
My little 6 year old man enjoyed a fantastically fun afternoon with a few of his friends and family... cannonballs and pencil jumps and cupcakes and ice cream... what more could a kid ask for??? So, so happy to have had the privilege to provide a super-fun day for such a beautiful boy...
And in other news... my Quiet Series 200 dishwasher is anything but silent these days... I'm pretty sure the Maytag Gods have secretly broken into my home and placed a thousand wrenches in the grinding mechanism of my much loved machine... I've searched and searched on the world wide web and found some instruction on how to fix the problem... don't get me wrong, I will not be fixing this myself... but I will oversee my hunny doing the repairs and be sure to point out the correct way to do it ;)
Last evening I started working on this little guy for a special friend...
something about sock monkeys makes me smile... while I'm putting them together I curse myself for not ever owning a thimble and promise to run out the first chance I get to buy one; you know, it really, really hurts when the eye end of the needle plunges into your finger (ouch!)... but then when the monkeys start coming together with their gangly arms and legs and their radar ears, and I can start seeing a real funny character... well, that's just the best, and I know that some little person is going to love the new buddy as much as I do...
Have a fantastic quake-free day ;)
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