And by random drawing........
With help from a pretty little red haired monkey who wouldn't sleep in even though she stayed up until 11:30pm.... arrrgggg :(
Thee-ee winner issss........Input fireworks here.....
DONNA, who said her favourite winter memory was "...when I got back home to Colorado. It doesn't snow in California..."
Congratulations Donna! I will be getting in touch with you today!
Thanks to everyone else for entering this fun little giveaway! And if you didn't win, but would still like to order a hat, custom orders can be made through my Etsy shop, 3 monkeys inc; or if you know me, just call, e-mail, yell from your front door... you get the point....
And a special thanks to everyone who takes the time and interest to read along... I really appreciate all of you!
Happy, Happy 2011 everyone ;)
Thanks for the giveaway! My son has a nice hat collection and your beanie would be a perfect addition!