So, recently, I have been reading up on stuff... lots of stuff... sunscreens vs. sunblocks... nasty chemicals that are housed in most of our beauty care products... better-for-the-planet household products... the list goes on and on and on...
What I've come away with is this: I need to get back to basics... a return to the age when mass-produced, chemically formulated, convenience products never really existed and what people used were products that were natural and pure and for the most part, homemade... That being said, it is widely known that many natural products, natural additives and natural preservatives do not have the research behind them supporting their safeness or effectiveness for human use or consumption... A catch 22 for certain...
Anyway, I personally like the idea of using products that have more naturally occurring ingredients than those that are synthetically engineered...
So here are a few things that my family has been using:
White Vinegar -
By mixing 1/2 cup vinegar and 2 cups water you'll have a very effective glass and hard surface cleaner, mix it in a trigger spray bottle and add 12-15 drops of essential oil of your choice to make it a little more pleasant smelling...
Due to its acetic nature, vinegar has been used by some as an effective green weed killer, it has been labelled as a green because it has been shown not to be absorbed into the roots of plants...
Vinegar can also be used as a rinse agent in your dishwasher or as a fabric softener in your washing machine...
Borax and Washing Soda -
I have been using borax for a very long time now and find it a very effective additive to my laundry detergent... more recently, I have been using washing soda as well, the two paired with my store bought detergent have increased my soaps effectiveness, I also find that I use much less soap... my next laundry project is making a batch of laundry detergent, I will update you soon about that one...
Borax mixed with jam left on a plate indoors or outdoors can be effective at killing ant colonies... be sure to keep out of reach of children...
Baking Soda -
Mix 1 part dish soap with 2 parts baking soda, add a little water if needed to make a paste consistency... use the paste as a low abrasive to clean sinks, taps, ovens, pots... whatever you would use an abrasive cleaner on... tip: if using to clean your oven or anything with thick baked on or greasy grimy surfaces, apply the paste and let it sit for 10-30 minutes to loosen grime better...
Baking soda added to a load of laundry with your detergent will act as a booster and also freshen your clothes...
Add ground cloves to baking soda and sprinkle on your carpets as a carpet deodorizer, let sit for a bit then vacuum, will also freshen your vacuum cleaner...
Baking soda in your bath will leave your skin soft and smooth...
Hydrogen Peroxide -
My friend Sherry sent me an e-mail not long ago about the uses of peroxide in the home... what I came away with was an inexpensive and extremely effective toilet cleaning solution... Once a month, I disassemble our toilet seats and put each of them and their hardware in a sink of hot water and about a 1/4 cup of peroxide, then let them soak while I clean the rest of the toilets with full concentrate peroxide and an old rag... The rest of the month I use my vinegar and water solution to do my daily bathroom cleaning... with two young boys, bathroom cleaning
is a daily chore...
Natural Body Soap -
I have had many skin sensitivities my whole life, harsh perfumes and sun exposure often cause my skin to break out in rash and dermatitis... For years, I have used oil free face and body lotions and Dove bar soap for my face and body... body washes and my skin just do not get along... more recently, I gave up the Dove bar on my body, for a natural tea tree oil soap. It's for body and hair; my skin has been less itchy and any dermatitis that I had is drying out and disappearing. I've tried it on my hair with somewhat favourable results; however, I still prefer the shine that commercial shampoos and conditioners give...
Homemade body lotion -
My friend Lindsay makes a wonderful line of body lotions/butters... she has been making diaper cream for me since my youngest was born... I'm happy to report that my little girl baby has had fewer than five bouts with irritated bum skin, not even a full blown diaper rash to speak of :) I've also been using it on her whole body when she gets out of the bath ;)
I use her lotion on my hands every night before bed and love the way it makes my skin feel... I feel good in knowing that there are no harsh chemicals and no unnecessary fragrances... my hands quite often flake when I use perfumed hand lotions or soaps... I have not had this problem while using Lindsay's products...
Sunscreen and Sunblock -
I've found conflicting evidence about whether or not to use sunscreen or sunblock... PABA-free, paraben-free, vitamin A-free... another catch 22 - use sun protection products to protect you from getting skin cancer; however, be aware that some ingredients in these products have been linked to cancers but not proven to be the causal effects of these cancers.... what?! I know. What does all of this mean? Be sun savvy... limited exposure to sun and sun lotions and you'll be fine... or not :S ... In other words, use a broad spectrum sun protection lotion, this will ensure that the ingredients will protect against both UVA (skin aging and cancer causing), and UVB (burning and tanning) rays... but use them sparingly as they may contain ingredients that have been found in some cancerous tumors :S ... again, I know!
That being said... there are several sun protection products on the market that are paraben-free, it's just trying to find them and not having to pay an arm and a leg for them...
I guess what I'm trying to get at with all of my ramblings is this: maybe our fore-mothers... you know - Ma Ingalls... had it just right... elbow grease, salves and poultices as the clean-all, cure-all for their families... It seems that in those simpler days before industrialization and commercialization people lived a much healthier and happier life... Can you blame me for wanting a little part of that?
Here are some links for your consideration:
http://safemama.com/http://www.armhammer.com/index.asphttp://www.using-hydrogen-peroxide.com/using-hydrogen-peroxide-for-cleaning.htmlhttp://www.20muleteamlaundry.com/abouthttp://www.soapsgonebuy.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=AH1001&Show=ExtInfohttp://www.thenewhomemaker.com/vinegarHave a great day... stay cool ;)